Herbalife Active Member Brochure

weLcome to a worlD of HealthY ActIve LifesTyle RewardS

yoU havE adoPted A heAlthy, acTive liFestyLe. whY not inspIre oThers To do the Same And helP Them To reAch tHeir Full PotentiAl?

The Member Activation Programme is here to help you stay engaged and inspire your friends and family to reach their very own healthy active lifestyle habits with Herbalife.

Your ActIve meMber RewardS

✓ Improved Member discounts ✓ Support system ✓ Promotional rewards ✓ Cash earnings

The Herbalife Membership is open to everyone. Whether you’re simply enjoying the products or want to help others lead a healthier lifestyle, take advantage of the Herbalife opportunity and get started on your route to success. so whAt is your goal?


You are on your way to achieving your healthy active result. It's time to shout about your

success and inspire others to improve their lives too.

Product Lover / Ambassador

Active Member



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