Herbalife Active Member Brochure
moNthly consIstencY Leads to aDded RewardS By helping just 5-7 people discover a healthy active lifestyle, you could receive a custom Herbalife NutriBullet blender!
yoUr prOduct loverS
5-7 RegUlar prodUct lOvers
Start to earn 35% discount!
shAre yOur eXciteMent And Boost your rewardS
miNimum: 500vp**
500ppv X 3 montHs in a row**
By helping your friends and relatives improve their healthy lifestyle habits and use the products, you can earn points for their purchases.
reWards For hElpinG 5-7 ProduCt loVers
Free Gift *
The more points you accumulate the greater your pricing discount can be.
4000 PoiNts 50%
2500 PoiNts
500 PoiNts
yoUr poInts
0-499 PoiNts
NutriBullet Blender!
% discOunt on OrdErs
25% 35% 42%
* Terms and conditions apply – For full list of terms and conditions go to herbalife.box.com/v/MemberActProdRules or contact local Member Services. * * Check the Q&A section at herbalife.box.com/v/MemberActProdRules This promotion applies to all Members (non-Supervisors) in EMEA. All applicable taxes associated with promotion rewards are the sole responsibility of the Member. Taxes vary by country; please check your local tax laws.
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