IBO Book - CY-EN
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Measure your success
Keeping a record of your key metrics is an important part of having a healthy business. We have a selection of ready-made gauge forms on MyHerbalife.com, which allow you to keep track of your business performance and cash flow on a daily basis and make any necessary changes to achieve your monthly goals. By tracking your business and analysing what is, or isn’t working, you can use this information to help you progress more quickly up the Sales & Marketing plan (see page 46 for more details ). If you aren’t tracking your business it can be more difficult to know where you could be making improvements. Get your whole organisation tracking their business, too. Not only will it help them and their business performance, it will give you an idea of how your downline is performing and you can recognise their successes and make suggestions for improvements. How can you track? You can track business metrics in various ways: • On paper - Mark Hughes, Herbalife Founder and First Member (1956-2000) did this. Download the gauge forms shown from MyHerbalife.com • You could use a chalkboard or a whiteboard • On your mobile phone, computer, iPad/tablet • Or try Google Docs. It doesn’t matter how you track; as long as you do! What should you track? There are various measures you can track within your business, but you can start with these: • Your Personal Volume • Organisational Volume • Number of people coming to events • Daily Business Activities: - How many people you invited - How many attended - Number of Herbalife Member Packs sold - How many turn into customers Talk to your upline, your mentor, your Sponsor and track the same things.
• Limiting yourself to a few key metrics will make it a lot easier to keep track of how your business is progressing.
• Be disciplined and honest with yourself.
Try these tips to help you gauge with success: • Download and use the gauge forms from MyHerbalife.com. • Try them for a few months – do they make a difference to your productivity?
• Be consistent - fill them in every day, week or month as required. • Adapt where you need – change things that are not working, make stronger what is working.
• Track and manage your spending.
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