IBO Book - UK



Wellness Evaluation A Wellness Presentation is ideal to use with potential (and new) customers before doing a Wellness Evaluation with them. It helps you further your relationship by presenting nutritional information that they may not have known before, and showing how you can help them reach their goals by combining good nutrition with a healthy, active lifestyle. You can download the Herbalife Global Nutrition Philosophy presentation from MyHerbalife.com, or speak with your Sponsor about the right presentation for your needs. What is a Wellness Evaluation? A Wellness Evaluation lets you fully assess your potential customer’s nutritional profile and body composition, whilst also giving you valuable insight into their nutrition and lifestyle habits. From this information, you can identify areas of improvement and offer them a personalised Herbalife solution; helping them to set their goals and offer the right support. It's also a good idea to take potential and new customers through the Herbalife Nutrition Philosophy presentation. Wellness Evaluations help you to: • Generate customers by providing an engaging and interesting pitch – a ‘hook’. • Have a progressive and detailed conversation that helps you understand the real needs of your potential customer. This will help you develop a relationship and offer a programme that's tailored for them. • Offer the potential customer useful wellness tips

Basic Activity

FACT You do not need to be a nutritionist or fitness instructor to carry out Wellness Evaluations. Anyone who is familiar with the tools can carry out Evaluations!

and present the Herbalife product solution. • Carry out a body composition assessment. • Get referrals from your Wellness Evaluation customers.

PERSONAL WELLNESS COACH Ask for your FREE evaluation

➡ Presenting the Herbalife Global Nutrition Philosophy is ideal to educate your potential customer and support your Wellness Evaluation. ➡ Hook your potential customers with, “Have you ever wondered how you could improve your nutrition, and the benefits that brings?” ➡ You can invite a potential customer to a Wellness Evaluation at any time, particularly if they are too busy to talk at your initial meeting ➡ Many of the Business Methods offer great opportunities to invite potential customers to a follow-up Wellness Presentation and Evaluation, so remember, they don’t have to be used in isolation! 8389_WellnessButton_GN.indd 1

09/07/2013 13:43


Present & Add Value

Customer Support & Loyalty


Qualify, Evaluate & Talk





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