IBO Book - UK



The Opportunity as a Herbalife Member ✓ You’ve used the products and fallen in love with them. ✓ You’re enjoying great results - you look and feel fantastic. ✓ You have transformed your lifestyle with more exercise and are part of a great community of like-minded people. After experiencing your own transformation through living a healthy, active lifestyle with Herbalife, it’s no wonder you can see the potential of doing the same for others. How many people have been interested to hear how you achieved your body transformation? How many have asked you about Herbalife? These people are your potential customers and they are open and attracted to you and what you’ve got to say.

Stop for a minute and think about how you got to where you are today: What were your lifestyle and habits like before Herbalife? Who introduced you to the products? What was your product result? Who have you met along the way? What support has your Herbalife Member provided you with so far? Simply by answering these questions, sharing your success story and Herbalife experience with others, will generate interest and it's so simple! There is nothing more powerful than a personal testimony. And this is one of the easiest ways to start your Herbalife business. Success with the Herbalife opportunity is based on helping customers achieve their results. The process

begins with you and your personal transformation. Your friends and family will naturally be curious about the changes you have experienced and want to learn more. Herbalife is a global company that’s committed to helping people change their lives and live a healthy, active lifestyle. We’re not a fad diet. Herbalife is a lifestyle choice. By committing to Herbalife, you are committing to make a difference; both in your life and in the lives of others by promoting the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle. You don’t need any previous sales experience. We will provide you with training and tools, plus with the support of your Sponsor and other Herbalife Members, you’ll be inspired by their stories and learn how it’s done.

Reflecting on your Herbalife journey so far will help you attract more customers. It’s all about sharing your Herbalife experience with others.


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