IBO Book - UK



Knowledge Zone The Knowledge Zone is the place to go for resources and marketing materials to brand and promote your business, as well as information to further develop your Herbalife knowledge and business skills. You'll find: • Everything you need to know about the products and how they can help you and your customers. • In-depth information on each of the Business Methods and how they can help you grow your business. • The most up to date rules and guidelines. • Bussiness Essentials: Get the skills and knowledge to run a successful business. • Resources: Browse and download FREE marketing materials, ranging from flyers, posters and business cards to training presentations, guidelines and logos. All designed to help you advance your business and keep it up-to-date and on brand. BizWorks BizWorks is your one-stop shop for keeping tabs on your business activity; see sales trends, track your downline activity, manage your time and schedule, communicate with your team and generate visual reports. Plus BizWorks puts your business at your fingertips with its mobile app. Learn more and subscribe at: m.MyHerbalife.com/bzw/ All the tools and resources can be found at MyHerbalife.com and are accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Herbalife is dedicated to providing you, our valued Members, with a whole host of tools and resources to help with every aspect of your Herbalife business.

You’re invited to take part in the 7 Day Skin Care Challenge!

Clinically Proven Results just in 7 Days*

Begin your challenge with a free facial!

• • Increase skins elasticity • Double skinsmoisture • Improve skin firmness • Enjoy softer, smoother more radiant skin • Reduce the appearance of fine lines andwrinkles

Invite your friends over and indulge in some free pampering

Fun and informal atmosphere,with the chance to purchase the products that you’ve tried or take your fancy • Opportunity to have a one to one skincare consultation

*Results applicable to LineMinimizing Serum,Replenishing NightCream,DailyGlowMoisturizer,SPF 30 Protective Moisturiser,Hydrating EyeCream and Firming EyeGel.

Formore information contact your localHerbalitfe Independent Member

Herbalife IndependentDistributorH24CarWrap MiniCooper -used for illustrativepurposesonly. Designcanbeapplied toanyvehicle.

*Herbalife isnotaffiliatedwithFIFA.©2015Herbalife.All rights reserved.USA.#921123 ID117911/15

©2014Herbalife International, Inc.All rights reserved.

ColourandLogo lockups Pantone368c (100%) C65,M0,Y100,K0

RichBlack C30,M30,Y30,

Proof No: A Date: 24/06/14

Title: IHM Business Card_UK

IndependentHerbalifeMember JohnSmith t0000000000 / f 0000000000 mail@domain.com

Independent HerbalifeMember

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Independent HerbalifeMember


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