Nourish Magazine
How can we boost our mental well-being?
There are ways to cope with stress, better manage feelings and reduce worries during this time of uncertainty. Taking a walk, listening to music, or finding a quiet place to relax can help you reset your mental state and go back to tackling the day’s tasks. It’s also important to take time to unwind by participating in activities you enjoy or shifting your focus to something novel to help you relax and feel energized.
These questions were answered by Dr. Kent L. Bradley, Chief Health and Nutrition Officer. Stress & Immune Health FAQs
How does stress impact our immune health?
Acute stress can be both helpful and harmful to our bodies. It can be helpful as it forces us to be vigilant in protecting ourselves and our loved ones. It can be harmful because it causes our blood pressure to rise and our heart rate to increase, and for those who have underlying cardiovascular disease, this may trigger a heart attack or stroke. However, what is of greater concern is a state of chronic stress, such as many people are experiencing in this time of uncertainty. In this state, the body is continuously activated, resulting in elevated blood pressure and weight gain, which are factors in cardiovascular disease. Additionally, cortisol is known to reduce the production of our immune protective cells known as lymphocytes. In the acute phase, we may see an increase of these cells, but as we move to a more chronic state of stress the cortisol release leads us to a decrease of lymphocytes making us potentially more susceptible to ineffectively fighting off infection. How can we reduce stress? Focusing on reducing our stress and improving our health can be accomplished with a handful of simple practices. I call them my 6 Rs: • Rest • Relaxation techniques • Recreation (keeping active) • Relationships (staying connected with others) • Routine • Reframing (reassessing the perceived stress so it no longer is viewed as a threat)
Source Article: Excerpts from Article written by: Dr. David Heber, Chairman, Herbalife Nutrition Institute
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