Nourish Magazine

Use protein as a hunger-buster

Protein satisfies hunger better than carbohydrates or fat, so include lean protein in meals and snacks for a sense of fullness, better digestion, and mental sharpness.

Water and fiber are calorie-free & fill you up due to their bulky nature. Non-starchy vegetables and fruits having these content help without adding many calories. Fill yourself up with watery, high-fiber foods

Exercise can help control hunger

Exercise can suppress hunger hormones, which can curb your appetite. But to keep up the energy, your body needs to fuel up properly before and after their workouts.

Drink fluids to help you feel less hungry

Drinking fluids with your meals makes them more filling. And some people confuse thirst with hunger, so they end up overeating. If you stay hydrated, it’s less likely to happen.

Eating small meals every few hours stabilizes blood sugar levels & prevents hunger spikes. Also, knowing that you'll eat again soon helps manage hunger effectively. Eating small, frequent meals can help curb your appetite

Source Article: Excerpts from Article written by: Susan Bowerman, Sr. Director, Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training


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