Nourish Magazine
Information is bound by what is known at the time. We are wired to make meaning & draw conclusions. But that may not be possible and conclusions we may make are not timeless. Recognize that information is not timeless
Stop consuming information nonstop
Being connected 24 hours a day can lead to mental strain and anxiety. Schedule regular times throughout the day to take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to the news.
Focus on something else
Calm your mind through intentional practices
Give your mind something else to think about other than the pandemic. It would be preferable to think about something that is energizing and uplifting.
Meditation is something often discussed but seldom practiced by many. It can also be useful to keep in mind the 6 Rs that help you manage stress and anxiety in a healthy way.
Practice a mindset of confidence
Practice a mindset of gratitude
This is more than “the little engine that could.” It is also a mindset of believing that we are capable of doing what is needed to overcome adversity. Confidence inspires hope.
Gratitude is a mindset that searches for and recognizes the things that we can be grateful for. The practice of gratitude energizes us and helps us in times of adversity.
Practice a mindset of connectedness
Practice a mindset of meaning and purpose
This is the mindset that I don’t have to do this alone and in fact, should not have to. That we are not alone and there are many who are on this journey, and together, we can overcome.
This is the mindset that my life has meaning, value and purpose. It is also a mindset that my actions have purpose and thus I must act to continue despite setbacks and difficulties.
Don’t Forget to Fuel Your Body
Practice a mindset of positivity
Like cars, our bodies too need fuel that helps our overall health. We must consume important sources of nutrients to support our cells in doing what they are designed to do.
It's not just about having a "glass is half full" orientation, but rather one that is nurtured by the positivity of gratitude, purpose, etc. It helps us cope with adversity through positive thoughts.
Source Article: Excerpts from Article written by: Dr. Kent L. Bradley, Chief Health and Nutrition Officer
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