IBO Book - LB-EN
Build your Customer Flow in four steps
We’ve looked at the Use, Wear, Talk concept and how it can help you find customers. Now, let’s see how this leads to the Business Methods and activities you will use to retail Herbalife ® products to customers. As you talk to people, the goal is to qualify them and invite them to find out more by attending your Business Method or activity.
For example: If you run a Fit Club, a conversation starter could be: “You look like you enjoy working out and are pretty active?” Then make the invitation to attend your Fit Club. “Why don’t you join us on Tuesday night for a fun workout?”
1 Qualify, Evaluate & Talk
As you talk to your potential customer, evaluate and qualify them. • Remember you have approximately 15 seconds to engage a potential customer. Not everyone will be interested, so it’s important you have evaluated them so you can tailor your conversation accordingly. • Recognise how they look, andv pay them a compliment as you engage in conversation. Invite them to come along to your Fit Club, a Shake Party or the right activity for their needs. When they attend your party or club: • Be prepared. Be sure you know what you’re inviting them to. • Be professional. Have a business card, invitation card or flyer ready to hand them with all the details. • Be confident and make a strong and convincing invitation.
2 Invite Fit Club
Shake Party Skincare Party Nutrition Club Office Weight Loss Challenge.
Following your Fit Club, add value by doing a Wellness presentation or Healthy Breakfast presentation, Wellness Evaluation and body composition analysis.
3 Present & Add Value Conduct a Wellness or
Whatever activity you have invited your customer to, make sure you add value.
• After the activity, take them through the Wellness presentation or Healthy Breakfast presentation. These presentations contain useful information that everyone needs to know, regardless of their personal goals they are a great way to provide an added value service. • Then, carry out a full Wellness Evaluation and body composition assessment. For each measurement, explain why it’s an important indicator for health and how to use them to track their progress. • Be sure to offer continued education sessions and guidance too.
Healthy Breakfast presentation.
After adding value with the presentations , Wellness Evaluation and body composition assessment , choose the right meal plan for your customer and their goal. This may lead to a sale , but remember, it’s not just about selling products. You need to add value and offer them a great service before introducing the right products for them. 4 Customer Support & Loyalty Focus on your customers, their goals and how you can support them. You’ll soon see how the time you invest in your customers pays off. When customers are achieving results, they will naturally want to stay with you and bring their friends and family; their Circle of Influence.
Follow up to find out how they are getting on and, if they purchased products, how they are finding them.
All the activities you run have a dual purpose; they should support and help your customer reach their results and they should help to build a community of like-minded people who support each other.
Always ask for Referrals too. Customers who are happy with the products and your service will naturally recommend the products and the Herbalife brand to others. This enables you to tap into their network of friends and family (be sure to have their consent first); talk with them and the cycle starts again...
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